Morose Blue Gorilla
An amateur's impression of the Morose Blue Gorilla
Warm Fuzzy vs Cold Prickly
To paraphrase Tim Rogers - At 12 years old who knew it came down to choosing sides?
Weird Vibes
These are the vibes my girlfriend's Kamagotchi and I picked up
Rainfish & Lunagirl
Rainfish & Lunagirl Jacket Cover
Tedious Giraffe
This is how everyone else saw the Tedious Giraffe
Rainfish & Lunagirl Poster Art
Poster sketch for Rainfish & Lunagirl
Gonzalos – Another Artistic Impression
Another artistic interpretation of The Vegetarian Mosquito
The Pity Monster
Feeding on the discarded pity of fools who think they're too good to be pitied
Shovelbeaks & Ladylegs
A sketchy representation of Shovelbeaks and Ladylegs
Phil Philanders
Ayeeeah - Go get 'em Phil!